Traditional approaches don't help you get to the root of your perfectionism
The crippling anxiety
The harsh critical hindsight
The need to be above reproach
The internal drive constantly telling you need to do EVERYTHING + do it NOW and do it EXCELLENTLY without error…
They dilute your drive and leave you with the problems you’re perfecting over
Causing your perfectionism to be a constant GOD AWFUL companion
Proven, science-backed tools to INTERRUPT the perfectionistic habits currently holding you hostage
Saving you time and eliminating the guesswork to permanently rewire your brain, your choices and your actions.
You'll gain authority over your perfectionism and know you are in charge of it.
No mistake ever equals quitting. Or failing. You buckle up, double down and learn from every mistep.
You'll call yourself on your own BS without beating yourself to a pulp
Instead of giving up bc it’s not going way you "think it should" You’ll keep going anyway.
Every day you'll get things done that you're proud of. And you no longer feel guilty for what you didn't accomplish
You'll know how to analyze yourself in a way that feels empowering, regardless of your performance
My perfectionism was this invisible VERY HEAVY thing that no one else could see or understands - including myself for a very very long time.
I tried perfectionism recovery.
That nagging voice inside still screamed
“That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna do?”
After MANY YEARS of trialing + erroring it I did!!
I could SEE what a massive difference leveraging perfectionism made!
Now I've helped 197 perfectionists since 2019 leverage their own perfectionism with a 100% success rate.
Are you next?
DISCLAIMER: Your perfectionism is unique and your results will be too. I've coached every single client through panic, overwhelm and incredible challenges along their power path. If you're looking for a “quick fix” or “cheap cookie cutter coaching" this is not the place.
©gumption 2025 All rights Reserved
Philippians 4:13