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perfectionist's Guide


1 Fire Insight + 1 Podcast Episode 

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real results

"I’ve made more progress towards my big audacious goals in 6 months together than I did in the last 6 years."

Before CLG I’d have a million ideas and spread myself so thing never actually finishing anything. I’ve made more progress towards my big audacious goals in 6 months together than I did in the last 6 years. Without burning myself out.. While living into MY values. While playing with the super powers my perfectionism brings. 

- Karen, Nurse Practicioner


"My wife says she has a new husband + I'm proud to show my sons that it's never too late to reinvent yourself

I’ve had plenty of coaches and consultants tell me to take more time for myself,  but CLG;s the only one who helped me actually put those empty motivational quotes into practice. She’s helped free me from the expectations of others and create a business and a life that's completely aligned with my gifts and interests. My wife says she has a new husband + I'm proud to show my sons that it's never too late to reinvent yourself."

- Jamal, CRO